The Vagina Hack
Toronto, ON
Senior Art Director: Abby Lind
Senior Copywriter: Rob Ramsay
We had an internal competition to tackle an issue for one of our clients (who will remain nameless for now).
They had a complicated problem: Despite the millions spent to normalize periods, women still don’t understand their own bodies, particularly when it comes to reproduction. Gen Z doesn’t want sugarcoated information – they just want to be told the uncomplicated truth. But the category (and let’s be real: society) still believes women don’t want to know – or can’t handle – the truth.
So how does this brand deliver the education women want and encourage them to proactively request their contraception product?​
The Vagina Hack
Women want to know more about their reproductive health – and they want it straight –
but the place where they spend the most time, social media, makes getting the
un-sugarcoated information impossible... until now.